Troubleshooting security updates stuck at “downloading 0%”
in Software Center, I’m often wondering in which “Deployment Packages” xxxxxxxx
update is located ?
I spent some times opening each deployment packages and see
if the update is there… That bored me and decided to write a powershell
Replace ServerName and SiteCode by yours.
$ServerName = "Server FQDN"
$SiteCode = "XXX"
$ArticleID = Read-Host
"Enter Article ID"
$AllPkgUpdate = Get-WmiObject
–NameSpace Root\SMS\Site_$SiteCode –Class SMS_SoftwareUpdatesPackage -ComputerName $ServerName | Select PackageID,Name
$update = Get-WmiObject
–NameSpace Root\SMS\Site_$SiteCode –Class SMS_SoftwareUpdate -ComputerName $ServerName –Filter ArticleID="'$ArticleID'" | Select CI_UniqueID,LocalizedDisplayName,CI_ID
Foreach ($objectUpdate in $update)
$Question = Read-Host
"Do you want to look for " $objectUpdate.LocalizedDisplayName " ? (Y/N)"
If ($Question -eq "Y")
$UniqueID =
Get-WmiObject –NameSpace Root\SMS\Site_$SiteCode –Class SMS_CIToContent -ComputerName $ServerName –Filter CI_UniqueID="'$UniqueID'" | Select ContentID
$TargetUpdate = $ContentID | ForEach-Object
Write-Host "Please
Foreach ($PkgItem in
$PkgID =
$ArrContentID = Get-WmiObject
–NameSpace Root\SMS\Site_$SiteCode –Class SMS_PackageToContent -ComputerName $ServerName –Filter PackageID="'$PkgID'"
| Select
$TargetContentID = $ArrContentID | ForEach-Object
If ($TargetUpdate -isnot [system.array])
{$Test =
$TargetContentID -contains $TargetUpdate}
= -not
($TargetUpdate | where {$TargetContentID -notcontains $_}).count}
If ($Test
-eq $true)
{$PkgName =
Write-Host $objectUpdate.LocalizedDisplayName " found in "$PkgName" -